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I'm So Glad You're Here

My Story


I felt terrible for so long that I did not even remember how it felt to be healthy. Overprescription of antibiotics in childhood wiped out my microbiome and compromised my immunity leaving me susceptible to environmental stressors. 

My first semester of college was the tipping point for my health. Poor nutrition, lack of sleep, mononucleosis (EBV) and a moldy dorm were too much for my immune system to handle. I was suddenly unable to stay awake in class, had migraines with aura that made it challenging to read, write, study, focus or drive a vehicle. My body felt heavy, achy, fatigued and I had exercise intolerance. I somehow pushed through college while working 20-30 hours a week. 


My doctors did not listen to me. I knew EBV changed my body. I explained that my immune system felt weak and that I was always tired. According to them my labs were fine and nothing was wrong. I lived with these symptoms for 20 years until I discovered the root cause approach and followed the order of operations for bringing my body back into balance. 


In addition to my personal health experience, I have always had people in my life with rare diagnosis and an interest in digging deeper into the underlying causes. My aunt developed sudden tremors and neurological symptoms in her early 20s and doctored for 20+years before passing from seizures from a mystery illness at age 45. I have also been a caregiver since 2014 for family members with a rare adult-onset muscular dystrophy which has provided experience working with complex and sensitive individuals from a root cause lens. Connect with me on Instagram to learn more.



Certified Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP)

Master Blood Chemistry with Emily Morrow (MBCE)



My Mission

My mission is to educate and empower you to optimize your health so you can live your life to the fullest. As a root cause practitioner, I utilize bio resonance testing and functional blood work to identify patterns of dysfunction caused by environmental, emotional and physical stressors that are contributing to imbalances in your body and follow an order of operations and bio-individual protocol to support your body to rebalance. Your body is amazing and it is designed to heal. You've got this!

Let’s Be Instagram Friends!

Get in touch so we can start working together. The best way to get to know me is on Instagram where I share about my approach, case studies, scan reviews, bloodwork reviews, foster a supportive community and about my life.

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